Tragic Muses - Monica Vitti and Anna Karina
In the golden era of European art cinema, two actresses came to embody the work of the directors that they were associated with on both a personal and professional level to an extent that it is hard to separate one from the other. They are Monica Vitti and Anna Karina, and the directors are respectively Michelangelo Antonioni and Jean-Luc Godard.
在歐洲片的黃金年代,有兩位女演員是大導演的謬思,不管是電影藝術還是私人感情,都存在著密不可分的關係。他們是 Vitti & 安董 / Anna & 高達。
60年代歐洲女星 Monica Vitti
60年代歐洲女星 Anna Karina
Coquettish Beauty
Monica Vitti is the nea plus ultra of erotic angst; forget the upholstered infeasibly Anita Ekberg, or the studied sophistication of Sophia Loren – here is the definite gorgeous article. In her work with Antonioni she epitomized the dispassionate (yet passionate) beautiful victim/observer of alienation and ennui; away from Antonioni she was rarely as compelling although she worked for other great directors including Bunuel on the The Phantom of Liberty (1974).
Vitti 欲擒故縱,焦躁難掩性感。忘了肉慾的安妮塔艾格寶,或是世故的蘇菲亞羅蘭,這篇文章保證讓你大開眼界。和安董合作的電影中,Vitti 是為情所困的冰山美人 (有時候又很熱情) / 天底下無新鮮事的觀察家。沒了安董 Vitti 就少了那難以抗拒的魅力,即使她也和大導演如布紐爾合作過。
Anita Ekberg,瑞典女星,甜蜜生活的噴泉女神 Sylvia。Vitti 身為 Jean-Claude Brialy 之妻,在布紐爾的自由的幻影也只有開頭出現一下下啊!
IMDb > Anita Ekberg
Jean-Claude Brialy 1933~2007
After making her film debut in Ettore Scola's Ridere, Ridere, Ridere (1954), she first worked with Antonioni on Il Grido (1957), but only in the capacity of dubbing another actor. After that she appeared in every one of Antonioni's quartet of masterpieces from the early 1960's, taking the female lead in all but one of them. In the controversial but ground-breaking L'Avventura (1960) she was the heroine torn between finding her best friend and submitting to the amorous advances of the latter's lover. In La Notte (1961) she played the indulged but bored daughter of a wealthy industrialist who both in their own way attempt (and fail) to seduce Marcello Mastrioanni's writer – although it's only a supporting role the film shimmers when she's on screen and seems strangely flat elsewhere. In L'Eclipse (1962) she embarks on a famously abortive affair with Alain Delon's financial trader; the final remarkable scene of their non-meeting is one of Antonioni's greatest set-pieces. In Il Deserto Rosso (1964) she takes on her most extreme role as that of a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown who embarks on a singularly disastrous affair with a rather uncomfortable-looking Richard Harris; Antonioni's bold and experimental use of colour and sound to capture an almost alien landscape (in reality Ravenna) provides a vivid manifestation of her character's inner turmoil.
Vitti 和安董首度合作是流浪者 (1957),單純獻聲。之後連續出現在安董六零初期的四部大作,只有一部不是女主角。驚天動地的情事 (1960),Vitti 飾演一個尋找失蹤好朋友卻又愛上好朋友男朋友的女人。夜 (1961),被寵壞但也感到乏味的實業家千金,想勾引 (然後失敗) 馬斯楚安尼,即使只是驚鴻一瞥的女配角,在其他場景倒是有些異常地扁平。慾海含羞花 (1962),和亞蘭德倫來段還沒開始就已經結束的愛,最後兩人沒見面是安董最偉大的片段之一。紅色沙漠 (1964),Vitti 詮釋了最具張力的角色,瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人和一個氣色更差的男人有染。安董對色彩的駕馭,用聲音捕捉疏離場景,大膽且實驗性極強,女主角內心渾沌表露無遺。
和馬斯楚安尼的丟丟實在是我百提不厭的經典戲碼,貴為珍妮摩露,站在 Vitti 旁就像個慾求不滿的黃臉婆。
關於 La Notte 的丟丟 Monica Vitti /michelangeloantonionitrilogy Monica Vitti /withorwithoutantonioni
Vitti made several films for other directors before reuniting with Antonioni for what was presumably the last time on Il Misterio di Oberwald (1980), a film ahead of its time in its innovative use of video.
中間 Vitti 和其他導演合作過不少作品,直和安董再次合作歐伯華的密案 (1980),該片是首部用 video 拍攝長片的先鋒。
巴貝‧施洛德 :用 video 拍攝一部長片的先鋒是安東尼奧尼 (Antonioni) Monica Vitti /threefestivalandonefuneral Monica Vitti /francozeffirelliunknown
全體默哀!我的大女神 Vitti 得了阿茲海默症! Monica Vitti
Cannes Mai 68 Vitti showed up!!!
2007 台北電影節 6/22~7/9 Gertrud 有 Vitti 的原型!
Vitti 的珍貴電影海報
Tragic Muses - Monica Vitti and Anna Karina
Last night I had a dream.
Proud to say that I'm the no. 1 fan of Vitti in Taiwan.
- Jul 07 Sat 2007 00:00
Tragic Muses - <font color="#ff0000">Monica Vitti</font> and Anna Karina