Albert Finney

Date of Birth

9 May 1936, Salford, Greater Manchester, England, UK


Anouk Aimée (7 August 1970 - 1978) (divorced)


法蘭西唐璜:Roger Vadim

The English actor Albert Finney, 34, is shown with his bride French actress Anouk Aimee, 38, after their marriage at the Kensington Register Office here, on August 7th.It was Finney's second marriage and Aimee's fourth.

( 其實我不知道兩個人怎麼認識的,他們沒有在任何一部電影中合作過。)

To the north, Kensington is bordered by Notting Hill
The area has some of Londons most expensive streets and gardens squares

台灣觀眾請注意,我就是大魚的一千零一夜老伊旺,其實應該唸 "優穩" 的,台灣片商真傷腦筋!


Biography for Albert Finney

Only person in history to ever call Audrey Hepburn "bitch" (in Two for the Road (1967)), even if it was just his line. 

( 膽大包天!)

Albert Finney is the only person in history to ever call Audrey Hepburn "bitch"

Doesn't have an agent nor a manager.

He was awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1987 (1986 season) for Best Actor in a New Play for "Orphans".

Was the first choice of Laurence Olivier to take over his post as the head of Britain's National Theatre. Finney had played a season shortly after the National Theatre's inaugural season in 1963-64. Finney declined the offer.

( 哇塞!首席勞倫斯奧立佛接班人耶!)

Originally chosen for the title role in Lawrence of Arabia (1962) after a screen test shot over four days at a cost of £100,000. He later baulked at the film's monumental shooting schedule, and did not want to commit to such a long term contract and opted to play the title role in Tom Jones (1963), which gave him his first Oscar nomination.

Felt the lead role in Tom Jones (1963) wasn't serious enough, and agreed to star only if he got a producing credit; he later traded the credit for profit participation. He later earned an Oscar nomination for this role.

( 後來 Albert Finney 也和奧圖伯一樣成為小金人槓龜天王,佳男提名四次,包括薛尼盧梅的超級豪華東方快車謀殺案,佳配一次,打屁股一百下索德柏的永不妥協。再怎麼槓也比不上奧圖伯的八次,Oscar is a BITCH!!! )

Albert Finney vs. Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole WAS, and IS Gorgeous!!!

Was initially asked to reprise his role as Hercule Poirot in Death on the Nile (1978). However, he had found the make-up he had to wear for the first movie Murder on the Orient Express (1974) very uncomfortable in the hot interior of the train, and on realizing that he would have to undergo the same experience, this time in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, he declined the role.

The third choice for Hercule Poirot in Murder on the Orient Express (1974). Before him were Alec Guinness & Paul Scofield. Ironically, Agatha Christie felt Finney's performance came closest to her idea of Poirot.

( 東方快車謀殺案的嚇死人陣容:英格麗褒曼,鮑嘉哥老婆洛琳白考兒,史恩康納萊,多重人格祖師爺安東尼柏金斯,紅墳墓!)

老人痴影症:東方快車謀殺案(Murder on the Orient Express)


上排左四亞伯芬尼,右一安東尼柏金斯,右五史恩康納萊;下排左一紅墳墓,左三洛琳白考兒 ( 她和阿姐是忘年之交好朋友 ),右二英格麗褒曼。最前面是闖出名堂可以掌控大牌的薛尼盧梅。

Rather than attend the Oscar ceremony in 1964, he went on vacation sailing in the South Seas. When informed that he had been beaten as Best Actor by Sidney Poitier, he offered Poitier his heartfelt congratulations. Though nominated another four times in the 1970s, '80s and 21st Century, he has yet to appear in person at an Oscar ceremony.

( Albert Finney 應該可以和馬龍白蘭度還有伍迪亂倫成為好朋友。)

Actors and Actresses Nominated for 1963 Academy Awards

The best actor and actress nominees of the films of 1963. Top from left to right: Albert Finney (for Tom Jones), Richard Harris (for This Sporting Life), Sidney Poitier (for Lillies of the Field), Paul Newman (for Hud), and Rex Harrison (for Cleopatra). Bottom from left to right: Patricia Neal (for Hud), Shirley MacLaine (for Irma La Douce), Leslie Caron (for The L-Shaped Room), Natalie Wood (for Love With the Proper Stranger), and Rachael Roberts (also for This Sporting Life).

"Call me Sir if you like! Maybe people in America think being a Sir is a big deal. But I think we should all be misters together. I think the Sir thing slightly perpetuates one of our diseases in England, which is snobbery. And it also helps keep us 'quaint,' which I'm not a great fan of. You don't get much with the title anymore. That was all carved up by the robber barons in the Middle Ages."

( 芬尼哥老婆正,說話又一針見血,加分加分!)

[speaking in 1961] "My job is acting, and that is why I hate interviews or lectures, explaining myself to an audience."

[on Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960)] "I was the first man to be seen sleeping with another man's wife in an English film."


Albert Finney is... Tom Jones
Tom Jones is Ewan of the 60's

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