Buon compleanno, Monica!
where is she now?
今天九點起床 (詭異的時間果然沒什麼好事發生),無聊到 IMDb 看看沒什麼人在屌的 Vitti 討論串,有人說她生病了,有人希望只是謠言,有人說她已經七十六,有十年沒接片,這樣的謠言是很正常的。接著看到這篇令人心碎的回應:
confirms she has Alzheimer's disease.
媽呀!這絕對是我苦短生命中最晴天霹靂的母親節了,我要哭了,Vitti 要趕快好起來啊!
She made a lot of Italian comedies, and I think it's the kind of movies where she gives her best. She's both light and intense, she manages to go beyond her beauty, and it's an uncommon thing for beautiful women. Simply great.
Monica Vitti is definitely a very underrated actress. She's beautiful, she's talented...I wonder why she isn't getting a lot of recognition and appreciation on imdb.com?
What a wonderful actress ! Too bad that she seems a little "forgotten" now ..
I fell in love with her while watching L'Avventura .. and she still is one of my all time fav!
Let's open the IMDB's Monica Vitti Fan Club !
全台灣大概只有我迷這位傳奇 (嚴重被低估) 義大利女星吧!因為我是 Vitti 台灣頭號影迷。
(雖然星座很莫名其妙但 Vitti 生日是十一月三號我以後再也不說天蠍妹就是以人婊放蕩出名了)
安董一九八五年中風,下半身癱瘓而且不能說話 (不能說話怎麼導戲大概已經治好了),但在十年後一九九五年找溫德斯合拍在雲端上的情與慾 Beyond The Clouds,男主角是不想紅的典範,這幾年都跑去拍歐洲藝術怪片的 John Malkovich,女配角群很強:蘇菲瑪索以及法國凱薩琳赫本芬妮亞當 Fanny Ardant。
Fanny Ardant 是八美圖被害者的妹妹 (我一直以為她是沒有血緣關係來湊熱鬧的路人),也是嗆伊莉莎白,被華辛漢毒死的 Mary of Guise。(那時代真的是一堆瑪莉難分難解)
我以為安董死了,還想叫安董保祐 Vitti,哈哈! ← 事後諸葛:烏鴉嘴!
安董 (Michelangelo Antonioni) 延伸閱讀:
60年代歐洲女星 Monica Vitti
Coquettish Beauty
Profimedia.cz/ Monica Vitti /threefestivalandonefuneral
Profimedia.cz/ Monica Vitti /withorwithoutantonioni
Profimedia.cz/ Monica Vitti /michelangeloantonionitrilogy
Profimedia.cz/ Monica Vitti /francozeffirelliunknown
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