Roger Ebert 影評
A plot like this is probably impossible without two ancient movie traditions, the Talking Killer and the Undead Dead. Time and again in the movie, the story would be over if someone - anyone - simply pulled the trigger.
There is a moment when the wife temporarily has the upper hand against this madman who has assaulted and beaten her and left her husband to drown, and what does she do? She ties him up!
以本片受到注目,二十二歲妮可煞是可人,綠眼珠嬰兒白下躁動著焚身性感,有年輕妮可的電影片名前面都得加個 "妮可基嫚之" 才行。山姆尼爾地平線二部曲:航越地平線 (Dead Calm) & 撕裂地平線 (Event Horizon)
Phillip Noyce 優異作品,對話和配樂盡量降到最低,任劇情隨船左右擺動。電影很聰明 (識相) 地馬上把男主角丟到另艘船上,因為沒人有興趣知道山姆尼爾在搞什麼鬼 (哈),留給觀眾飽滿的空間欣賞紅髮妮可對付壞人或慎獨。
一九六七到六九年間,Orson Welles 曾改編同名小說,卡司包括珍妮摩露,Laurence Harvey (諜網迷魂),Oja Kodar (當時老婆) 以及他自己,片名叫 The Deep,可惜 Laurence Harvey 過世導致電影無法完成。一九九七年傳聞 Orson 版本已被修復,對照劇本完整無缺,遺孀 Paola Mori 嘗試剪接並送往大螢幕。
妮可基嫚之航越地平線 Dead Calm
97 min. 1989
Nicole Kidman ... Rae Ingram
Sam Neill ... John Ingram
Billy Zane ... Hughie Warriner