You know I don't really want to say "I told you so." 
but the super-soldier project was cancelled for a reason.

Mr Stark. You always wear such nice suits.


鋼鐵人:$98,618,668 ($140 million)
綠巨人:$55,414,050 ($150 million)


觀眾熱愛 鋼鐵人 就算了,影評也瘋狂吹捧實在不瞭。扣掉年代久遠的提姆波頓,目前漫畫改編電影看下來,還是特異功能組第一集 (金鋼狼嘴賤) 和蜘蛛人第二集 (虎豹小霸王) 最好看。最好看者有五顆星的話,綠巨人諾頓大概有三點五顆,但是諾頓加到四顆,鋼鐵人差不多三到三點五顆,但全世界都說有五顆星,害我印象不好扣到三顆星。(十分小家子氣)

想當初 諾頓要重拍浩克就和凱特演 瓊斯 一樣令我錯愕,而我們的凱特順利和青春偶像合作並玩得開心,小諾頓也學會情緒管理且撐起商業大片。不間斷為諾頓尋找最佳女主角,結論是娃娃臉和可愛型的女星比較搭,例如娜歐蜜或 Evan Rachel Wood,可惜兩部和該女星合作電影至今皆無緣觀賞。

麗芙泰勒是我們這年代最該被後人景仰的花瓶, 生涯代表作是……小熊餅乾。撫慰浩克的溫柔之心還是一字眉比較有說服力。

Roger Ebert 俏皮話時間:

Consider for a moment Gen. Ross' idea of turning out Hulk soldiers. They would be a drill sergeant's worst nightmare.
When they weren't Hulks, why bother to train them? You'd only be using them in the fullness of their Hulkdom, and then how would you train them?

Would you just drop thousands of Ed Nortons into enemy territory and count on them getting so excited by free-fall that they became Hulks? (This transformation actually happens to Banner in "Hulk" 2008, by the way.)

If No One Else Is Going To Say It... 
路易斯拉特瑞電影 the Incredible Hulk 劇本初探

無敵浩克 The Incredible Hulk
112 min. 2008

Edward Norton ...  Bruce Banner 
Liv Tyler ...  Betty Ross 
Tim Roth ...  Emil Blonsky 
Tim Blake Nelson ...  Samuel Sterns
Ty Burrell ...  Dr. Samson ← 目前最著名角色是皮相獵影老公
Robert Downey Jr. ...  Tony Stark (uncredited) 
Stan Lee ...  (uncredited)

It's like my big action movie...



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