I want a curfew. I want to be grounded for sleeping with a 35-year-old schizophrenic. I want rules and boundaries, because what I've learned is that, without them, all life is, is a series of surprises.

葛妮絲派特蘿為首的雲集眾星共襄盛舉古怪家庭,是否讓你想起某部電影呢?是的,天才一族。影評心有靈犀地指控其東施效顰:... coupled with an irritatingly hackneyed attempt at Wes Anderson-style over-the-top art direction

我原本也這麼想,但電影完全沒有後者以糖衣包覆苦澀的輕鬆詼諧,而葛妮絲出場設定在家庭心理醫生進行治療時,坦然向主角介紹門後通往的自慰室 (masturbatoriun),發現女兒正躺在裡頭睡午覺,可能是唯一笑點。

市面上功能家庭失調電影所以共鳴,也許因為你早在家裡就見識過劇中人物行徑,他們大部分時間都很正常,只是日積月累偶爾紓發壓力。但如果劇中人物各各怪得像參加鬧劇比賽般,不論有害無害,而且改編自原著真實童年經驗,你不禁要佩服主角 (事後) 處之泰然的求生意志。

這古怪家庭其實是兩個家庭組成,因為主角媽媽為發展 (未知) 創作生涯,離婚後把獨生子丟到心理醫生住所,才認識兩位姊姊 Gwyneth Paltrow & Evan Rachel Wood。媽媽贊成心理醫生擔任監護人,那位坦然向主角介紹門後通往的自慰室的心理醫生。最後容我引述飾演心理醫生的 Brian Cox 於幕後花絮發表之觀點:

Looking at the story, and we go "Oh! theses horrible people, what are they doing?" but then we realize, at that time, people who are, they were given a kind of freedom, they didn't know what to do with. 

It's like anybody who is oppressed, when they suddenly say "Let all hang out" then go "what do I let hang out?" People don't know what to do, because the structures fall apart, and... that's the tension of the film really.

 based on the memoir by Augusten Burroughs


一刀未剪的童年 Running with Scissors
121 min. 2006

Annette Bening ...  Deirdre Burroughs
Brian Cox ...  Dr. Finch
Joseph Fiennes ...  Neil Bookman
Evan Rachel Wood ...  Natalie Finch
Alec Baldwin ...  Norman Burroughs
Joseph Cross ...  Augusten Burroughs
Jill Clayburgh ...  Agnes Finch
Gwyneth Paltrow ...  Hope Finch
Patrick Wilson ...  Michael Shephard

附帶一提,大英帝國 leggy 魂繼承人 Joely Richardson 影集《整形春秋》導演雷恩莫菲,繼改編暢銷小說未受好評後,新片《希區考克與驚魂記》飾演希治閣者乃安東尼霍普金斯!海倫米蘭傳聞中!

Alfred Hitchcock 
the Making of Psycho (2008)
Anthony Hopkins ...  Alfred Hitchcock  
Helen Mirren ...  Alma Reville (rumored)!!! 

Emily Mortimer for Scorsese

Ewan McGregor  
Emily Mortimer  
Ben Kingsley  
Dan Fogler ...  Alfred Hitchcock


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