March 23, 2002 - Independent Spirit Awards
I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are.
Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they'd accomplished. The bodies around their souls, the cities wrapped around those. I lived on this block my whole life; most of these people have. When your job is to find people who are missing, it helps to know where they started. I find the people who started in the cracks and then fell through. This city can be hard. When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and still protect yourself from all the evil in the world. He told me what God said to His children. "You are sheep among wolves.
"Be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves."
Is that Mirabelle?
關於凱西,自從檢閱 十一羅漢 發現他乃才子班之弟就開始密切觀察,去年事業年正式以本片和 刺殺傑西 奠定其沙啞/弱智/陰娘三位一體的獨特魅力。回過頭看葛斯范桑 愛的機密,凱西當年真不是普通的拙。
← 馬丁史柯西斯之隔離島 by Dennis Lehane
蜜雪兒的外套也相當好看,儼然是波士頓首席 外套 好看夥計 (associate)。
凱西:…… 蜜雪兒:那我要當妙麗。
蜜雪兒曾被我指控 (indict) 為親親砰砰唯一缺點,因為以黑色電影最重要元素 femme fatale 標準來看,蜜雪兒過於路人一點也不符合 (not any of that),拜託 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 以及中文片名吻兩下打兩槍絕對是這幾年最優秀的片名。
但你可以發現,其實蜜雪兒在本片很耐看,看久會變成黛安蓮恩加羅美雪妮黛,和凱西的化學也是不用有化學就很有化學的優秀化學。恭喜當初不可能的任務三兩大路人女主角:老婆 蜜雪兒 & 學生 凱莉 各自找到自己的觀眾和筆者的 肯定。
Amy Adams 的表演証明今年 女配角 競爭有多激烈,就算凱特輸給她我也不會該半句。
至於 Ed Harris 請來領走走寶貝走最帥獎,以及最佳妙語如珠獎。
He lied to me.
Now I can't think of one reason big enough for him to lie
that's small enough not to matter.
這位仁兄就是鼎鼎大名的 火線 歐馬 啦!
↑ based on the novel by Dennis Lehane
走走寶貝走 Gone Baby Gone
115 min. 2007
Casey Affleck ... Patrick Kenzie
Michelle Monaghan ... Angie Gennaro
Morgan Freeman ... Jack Doyle
Ed Harris ... Remy Bressant
John Ashton ... Nick Poole
Amy Ryan ... Helene McCready
This is Our Youth
青蘋果樂園最早於一九九六年紐約市由 Kenneth Lonergan 創立,後來成了年輕電影演員躍躍欲試的處女舞台劇經驗,夏天凱西麥特三人組於二零零二年搭檔演出,九零落難小福星如小佛萊迪普林茲,麥考利克金也共襄盛舉。對了!夏天凱西兩人於海瑟葛拉罕之 天命真女 首度大螢幕合作。
↑ check the new cast on allstarsonline
↑ see more Casey & Summer at caseyaffleck.org