"Androgyny suits you."
這電影給我的感覺就是標準假文青眾生相無病呻吟esque 諂媚,
類比是被筆者罵很多年的巴黎我愛妳 & Love Actually。
約翰藍儂哈死 (life-long obsession) 碧姬芭杜。(筆記)
延伸閱讀:B.B. 鋼彈的妙用
Taymor's failure to find interesting, let alone meaningful, ways to recontextualize these songs is bad enough -- as we are talking about some of the most iconic music in history here -- but the awkwardness with which she stages the songs is even worse.
Across the Universe tells us nothing new about the '60s, offers not a single sequence that can be savored by movie musical enthusiasts, and never once comes anywhere close to the magic of the original Beatles recordings.
Roger Ebert 護航
But all I'm doing here is list-making. The beauty is in the execution. The experience of the movie is joyous. I don't even want to know about anybody who complains they aren't hearing "the real Beatles." Fred Astaire wasn't Cole Porter, either.
You weren't alive in the 1960s? Or the '70s or '80s? You're like the guy on the IMDb message board who thought the band was named the "Beetles," and didn't even get it when people made Volkswagen jokes because he hadn't heard of VW Beetles, either.
All is forgiven. Jay Leno has a Jaywalking spot for you. Just about anybody else is likely to enjoy "Across the Universe."
不得不提的方程式 (老梗):Dylan Baker = Steve Buscemi + William H. Macy。
小結:萬能麥斯 (Max) 最帥!
愛是唯一 Across the Universe
128 min. 2007
Evan Rachel Wood ... Lucy
Jim Sturgess ... Jude
Joe Anderson ... Max Carrigan
Dylan Baker ... Max's Father
Salma Hayek ... Singing Nurse
"Strawberry Fields Forever"
Written by John Lennon
聖詩復仇 Titus (1999)
改編自莎劇血海殲仇記 (Titus Andronicus),對應 JRM 娘砲時期,非常想看這部血腥
暴力的獅子王百老匯導演 Julie Taymor 電影處女作。
是的,你早就見過 Joe Anderson,除了扛錯還有變成珍奧斯汀!
ERW 長大就有股說不上來的怪,珍妮佛康娜莉是我目前唯一想到小時候正長大也很正之典範 (又散發不同風采),意即沒有 "長歪" 的意思。
Untitled Woody Allen Project (2009)
The Wrestler (2009)
Darren Aronofsky!!!
Jim Sturgess 此時內心應該很怕瑪麗蓮夢露揍他。