It's like the every-other-decade theory, you know? The '50s were boring, the '60s rocked, and the '70s... Oh, my God, they obviously suck. Maybe the '80s will be radical. You know? I figure we'll be our 20s and, hey, it can't get any worse.

Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place... Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place.

環球曾經出過一部叫 Ultimate Party Collection 的套裝,收錄本片與另高校派對電影:開放的美國學府。理查林克雷特 1993 年拍了設定在 1976 年的年少輕狂,正如喬治盧卡斯 1973 年拍了設定在 1962 年的美國風情畫。

少年仔們於暑假開始前一天照例盡情玩耍,但明早起床還是沒有學到什麼寶貴經驗,撕褪高中生涯 "那些美好歲月" 標籤,被貼上標籤的,是日後任由影迷指指點點的好萊塢明星,以及電影原聲帶。



  Adam Goldberg as Mike Newhouse

  Ben Affleck as Fred O'Bannion


  Parker Posey as Darla Marks

[opening his mouth wide] Go like this. Do you spit or swallow?

  Milla Jovovich as Michelle Burroughs 如果唱歌不算台詞的話我真的不知道為什麼五分鐘無台詞蜜拉可以出現在第二個 credit 以及海報上


  Marissa Ribisi as Cynthia Dunn 雙胞胎姊姊 of Giovanni Ribisi 老公是貝克所以喬凡尼和貝克有姻親關係


  Rory Cochrane as Ron Slater 這傢伙長大後變這樣 MV5BMTg1MzExNDcwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjcwMDQ3__V1__SX485_SY273_

  Jason London as Randall 'Pink' Floyd 只有壞男孩的好沒有壞男孩的壞穿紫色襯衫的平克真的好帥我暈了以下是佛洛伊德時間 

  蜜拉於本片拍攝期間曾經和下面這位仁兄私奔到拉斯維加斯結婚,但蜜拉當當時只有十六十七歲,法律上該婚姻乃無效。          kerkerker

年少輕狂 Dazed and Confused
97 min. 1993

Jason London ...  Randall 'Pink' Floyd 


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