納許維爾 Nashville

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像我們這樣的賊 Thieves Like Us

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漫長的告別 The Long Goodbye

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花村 McCabe & Mrs. Miller

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craigga 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I've always said that making a film is like making a sand castle at the beach. You invite your friends and you get them down there, and you say you build this beautiful structure, several of you. Then you sit back and watch the tide come in. Have a drink, watch the tide come in, and the ocean just takes it away. And that sand castle remains in your mind. 


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外科醫師 M*A*S*H

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郵差總按兩次鈴 The Postman Always Rings Twice

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夜長夢多 The Big Sleep

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